Самые популярные социальные сети в России


Каждый месяц в России в интернет выходят 65,9 млн человек, 90% которых посещают социальные сети.

Как показывают последние статистические данные,

самые активные пользователи соцсетей — посетители возрастной категории 25-34 года.

При этом, активнее проявляет себя женская аудитория (исследования Mail.Ru Group, TNS, comScore и Brand Analytics).
Лидеры по количеству посетителей:

  • «ВКонтакте» (52 млн человек)
  • Одноклассники (42 млн человек).

Третье место в РФ по числу месячных посетителей занимает «Мой Мир» (около 30 млн человек),
немного меньшая аудитория у Фейсбука (25 млн человек).
Twitter россияне посещают значительно реже— в эту соцсеть ежемесячно заглядывают 11,6 млн человек.

Заметно и распределение возрастной аудитории:

«ВК» и Twitter собирают возрастную категорию до 24 лет, причем среди пользователей— самая высокая доля учащихся (19% и 23%).
Facebook собирает самую возрастную категорию, причем среди них наибольшее количество специалистов (25%), а у Одноклассников замечено больше служащих (20%).

Инфографика самые популярные соцсети в России

Также заметно неравномерное распределение пользователей по округам, больше всего их в Центральном Федеральном округе.

Соцсети собирают пользователей в селах и городах, но при этом имеются различия в предпочтениях:

  • посетителей Фейсбука и Твиттера больше в больших городах, с населением выше 800 тысяч,
  • ОК же пользуются спросом в маленьких городах и поселениях.

84% посетителей имеют аккаунты в различных соцсетях, но при этом часть из них в основном пользуется только одной социальной сетью. «верная» аудитория у ВК и ОК: 14% и 7% их месячных пользователей не пользовались другими соцсетими в течение последнего месяца. Аудитория Тwitter отличается самой большей непостоянностью, только 0,3% пользователей не заходили в другие соцсети.

Аудитория «ВКонтакте» пересекается с аудиторией ММ (87%) и ОК (80%).
68% пользователей «ВК» заходят в ОК. 9 из 10 пользователей Facebook заглядывают «ВКонтакте», а среди пользователей Твиттера их еще больше (96%).

Самые популярные темы, обсуждаемые в соцсетях (Brand Analytics):

1. Личная жизнь, отношения и настроения
2. Обсуждение новостей
3. Обсуждение товаров, услуг и мероприятий, рекомендации и советы
4. Развлечение— шутки, фильмы, снимки и тд.

По данным comScore,Brand Analytics и TNS.

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Читайте также
Продвижение компании через соцсеть ВКонтакте
Продвижение компании через соцсеть ВКонтакте
Социальная сеть ВКонтакте подходит для продвижения практически любой компании. Ведь даже самый скучный продукт для чего-то полезен.
Зачем нужны хэштеги
Зачем нужны хэштеги
Хэштег – это метка в статье в социальных сетях, ставится для легкого нахождения определенной темы, чтобы не просматривать всю ленту.
Копирайтинг и социальные сети
Копирайтинг и социальные сети
Лет пять назад о возможности продвижения через социальные сети не шло речи. Трудно поверить, но в начале года я писала, что постинг — практически бесперспективный путь развития копирайтера, что это малооплачиваемая и не очень уважаемая работа.

Комментарии ()

  1. Наталья Голубева Моя Визитка 06 апреля 2018, 12:06(Комментарий был изменён) # 0
    Ещё есть! Примите во внимание! Социально-профессиональная деловая сеть; Моя Визитка. Это Ваша Электронная визитка — публикации и презентация в сети интернет!
    Имидж делового и преуспевающего человека — Это его визитная карточка! Теперь, по новейшим технологиям — Есть визитка электронная, с расширенной, необходимой информацией! — Это Ваши готовые, деловые и жизненные решения!
    1. lance forester 17 марта 2019, 17:22 # 0
      срочно, пожалуйста, дайте КРЕМЛИНУ РУССКОЕ ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВО спасибо
      February 13, 2019 COMPLETION DATE.
      Пожалуйста, дайте это письмо ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВУ KREMLIN. Компьютерный
      хакер мешает моему соответствию добираться до них. Это очень важно.
      Каким-либо образом. Телефон, почтовая почта, человек или смс, или их
      веб-сайт. Спасибо. Ленс Форестер
      CORRESPONDENCE.They will communicate with me.
      Use the internet and post on…
      A computer hacker is preventing all outgoing email and communications.
      yannc@bk.ru password is tema1987

      New date February 13, 2019.
      New. A chart A-3 for Schedule A-5 has been created with a new dimension.

      Procedure. The first place to start is Part B-3, then Part A-4
      to create the database.
      Complete Part B 3-6-7-8 before Part B-4.
      You will need this because it
      creates Schedule A-3 for this Part B-4.
      You will also need Part B 3-7-8 to be completed before
      completing Part A-4.
      Complete Part A-3 before completing Part A-4.

      Schedule A. This is a chart to change russian letters to
      english letters or to change english letters to russian letters.
      This chart is created, with the Key page, Schedule D and with
      Schedule E. (PCLP — Page-Column-Line-Place).
      Schedule B. Numbers. Will give you definite numbers, and uses
      PCLP method.
      Schedule C. Words. Will give you definite words. Uses the database
      created by Schedule F.
      Schedule D. Key page. Here, I use different methods. Sometimes,
      the database, sometimes, directly from the flyer, or in Part C-1
      I used prints.
      Schedule E Instructions for PCLP.
      Schedule F creation of the database using the flyer.
      See Part D-1, database flyers lines.
      Schedule G finding letters with PCLP for Schedule A-5.

      1. Part A B C, dictionary used.
      The dictionary, Le petite Larousse Illustre 2018
      is ISBN 978-2-03-593843-5 WWW.larousse.fr 7100162 total pages 2044.
      Part D, used
      2. Part D, dictionary used. bk-1 mp-17.
      Editions Larouse 2008
      Grand dictionnaire des nom propres. ISBN 978-2-03-582471-4. pages 1526.
      21 rue de Montparnasse, 75283 Paris cedex 06.

      PART A.
      Older riddle, named Hotel.
      * 1. Riddle Hotel Explanations. mp 17-36 done
      We are using the Larousse Dictionnary 2018 for both Part A and B.
      The first part of the dictionary, word definitions are not used.
      What is used is the second part, the proper names and dates.
      Hotel riddle is redone to Larousse dictionnary 2018. Riddle
      Etoiles is using the same dictionnary.
      The dictionnary, Le petite Larousse Illustre 2018
      is ISBN 978-2-03-593843-5 WWW.larousse.fr 7100162 total pages 2044.

      * 2. Schedule E-1.Instructions. Dictionary. For the riddle Hotel and Stars(Etoiles)
      The Key word for the Key page in Larousse Dictionary is calculated by
      Part A-3. This Key page calculates other answers by
      adding or subtracting numbers to it. Example +300 number
      added to page number 1000 will give you page number 1300. Or,
      -600 number less page number 1000 will give you page number 700.
      Part 2.
      In the dictionary there are normally
      three columns. It is indicated which column to use. Then the line
      is indicated, and place of the number. If number 3 is stated and in
      column 1 line 1 the numbers are 1246 then the answer is 4.
      ex. Column is 1, line number is 2, place stated is 2. Then
      on dictionary page go to column 1, go the second line of column
      1, go to the stated place 2. The first number found is 3113, then the
      answer is 1.

      * 3. Schedule D-1 KEY PAGE. mp 34. done.
      Key word is on the front of the flyer. We are using Schedule A-1
      to translate russian to english. This will give you 4 english letters from the 4
      russian letters. It is stated as line, then place of russian letter.
      This will give you the Key word to find in the dictionnary,
      which will give you the Key page.
      FRONT OF THE FLYER. There are five lines of writing on the front
      of the flyer. Left to right. We are using only the first four
      letters of the word. This name will be found on the Key page in
      bold lettering.
      Part A-3 is used for Part A-5.
      line 2 last russian letter of second line.
      line 3 fourth russian letter of this line.
      line 4 first russian letter of this line numbers excluded.
      line 1 last russian letter of second word

      * 4. Schedule C-1 Words.Database Riddle Hotel. mp 28-27-12-13-14 done.
      This is using the lines created with the flyer, Lines A-B-C.
      See Part B-3, creation of the database.
      The lines used are A-B-C. The number is the position
      of the russian letters in these respective lines. Schedule A-1 is used.
      They will spell out a word when the russian letter is translated
      to english letter.
      See explanations in Part C-4.
      A14 A82 B17 B83 C30 C11 A61 A35. In this order.

      * 5. Schedule B-1 Numbers. Dictionary. mp 29-30. done
      This is using Part A-3 Schedule D-1 Key page.
      First number is the Key Page, second number column, third number line,
      fourth number is the place or places of numbers to be used. This will
      give you a set of numbers. You take the key page number found in
      Part A-3, subtract as an example, -168 from the key page, then go to column
      no 3, line 2, find the first number then look at the places of 3-4. This will give you
      two numbers. (-168 3 2 3-4). Another example, take the key page number,
      add +146, which will give you the correct page, go to column 2,
      line one, search for the first number then go to places 3-4. This
      will give you another 2 numbers. (+146 2 1 3-4). Another example,
      take the key page of say, 3000, subract 200, this gives you
      page no 2800. Then you to column 1 of this page, line 3 of this
      column and on this line the first number is 1234. Stated is place 3,
      then the correct number is 3. Numbers, in one line are all counted
      in a consecutive manner. If you have two years, ex 2000, 2010 then
      this is eight numbers. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. If you have one year, plus
      a population base then this is 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9.etc…
      The > is space, * is wildcard.
      The first four numbers, ****,
      -168 3 2 3-4 > +146 2 1 3-4 > -148 1 1 1-2 > -239 2 1 1-2 >
      +87 1 1 2 > -48 2 1 2-3 > +68 2 2 2-3 > -204 2 1 1-2 >
      +179 1 4 3 > +159 3 1 2-3 > +46 1 2 3-4 > +83 3 1 2 >
      -223 1 1 1-2.

      * 6. Schedule A-1 Chart. Hotel. mp 27. done.
      Russian Alphabet is numbered 1 to 33. It uses the normal russian
      alphabet order. Take the russian letter and find the corresponding
      english letter. You will now have the english correspondant to the
      russian letter by using the numerical sequence 1 to 33.
      Or as another way of doing this, is by making a grid or graph. You put, in first
      column, numbers 1 to 33. Then put in the second column, the russian letters, as
      normal of the alphabet. In the third column, put the english letter as is stated below.
      Example, in the first line of this grid, you will have 1-A-G.

      1-G 2-B 3-D 4-A 5-E 6-V
      7-E 8-H 9-I 10-Y 11-K 12-L
      13-M 14-N 1 5-O 16-P 17-I 18-R
      19-S 20-C 21-U 22-G 23-O 24-F
      25-A 26-I 27-J 28-K 29-B 30-M
      31-N 32-Z 33-T

      PART B
      New riddle named Stars (etoiles).

      * 1. Schedule E-1 & 2
      Same as Part A for both riddles Hotel and Etoiles.

      * 2. Schedule D-2 KEY PAGE mp 33-27. done.
      For the KEY PAGE, We are using the flyer itself.
      On the flyer, use the back side. Use the bottom lettering,
      the last paragraph, which is in bold italics. There are three lines in
      this paragraph. Take the first line, second word, which contains 11
      letters. Take russian letters 10-09-04-11-08. Using, Schedule A-1,
      change the russian letters to english letters. Then go to the dictionnary,
      and you will find this name. First 5 letters only is used, in bold lettering.
      This will give you the KEY word to find the KEY page in the dictionnary.
      Used for Part B-5.

      * 3. Schedule F-1 & 2 creation of the database. mp 22-12-13-14. done
      From the back of the flyer, take the lines which are not in bold italics,
      they total 9 lines. Four lines below the first print, plus 5 lines below
      the second print. Total nine lines. Use line 2-3-5-6-7-8 only. Then go
      left to right and count 60 letters. We are using only 60 letters per line.
      Interspace the letters from line 2 with line 8.
      Then, line 3 with line 7. Line 5 with line 6. Example,
      28282828, named New line A. 37373737, New line B, 56565656 New line C.
      Line A-B-C will now total 120 letters each from left to right. This is 60
      letters from one line plus 60 letters from the other line now total 120 letters
      each per line for A-B-C.
      Then on line A, number all the letters. This will total 120 numbers.
      Then delete, from line A numbered letters, 3-8-12-20-24-30-36-41-48-56-
      62-69-72-77-82-89-97-104-109-110. From left to right, renumber the
      russian letters, and they will now total 100. With line B, remove,
      Renumber and line B will total 100. Take line C, and remove
      It also will total 100 russian letters. This Schedule F-1 & 2
      is applicable to both Part A and B.

      * 4. Schedule C-2 Words. Database. Riddle Stars. mp 20-21-23. done.
      We are using the database of Part B-3, lines A-B-C.
      You will need Part 6-7-8 to be completed. This section is using
      Schedule A-3 for changing russian to english letters.
      This will give you words.
      See explanations in Part C-4.
      B20 B68 C50 B2 B30 > C69 C75 A34 A43 C63 C65 A21 A54 B39 C90 >
      C51 B72 B87 C55 C49 > A90 A51 > B95 B59 C32 C85 A95 A97
      A56 C90 B49 B73 > C81 C69 A31 * * *
      in this order.

      * 5. Schedule B-2 Numbers. Dictionnary. mp 18-19 done.
      First number is the Key Page, second number column, third number line,
      fourth number is the place or places of numbers to be used.
      Key page used is Part B-2.
      (see Part A-2.) Then > is space, * is wildcard.
      The first four numbers, ****,
      -236 1 1 3 > +31 2 1 1-2-3 > -43 2 2 6-7-8 > +183 2 1 3-4 >
      +244 2 1 3-4 > +305 2 2 3-4 > -203 2 2 2-3
      >> +139 3 1 2-3 >
      -166 2 1 7-8 > -30 3 1 3 > +350 1 2 2-3-4.

      * 6. Schedule A-3 Chart. Stars.
      NEW for Schedule A-1 converting the russian alphabet to the
      english alphabet. This it is not done as Schedule A-1 which is stated
      openly. This Schedule A-3 hides it's english letter.
      This is done in the same manner as Part A-5. Instead of looking up
      numbers in the dictionnary we are looking up letters in the dictionnary.
      The russian letter is converted to a number, 1 to 33 then the dictionnary
      will give us the correct english counterpart. Part 8 (Schedule G-3)
      I used a new Key page Part B-7 for this changed Schedule A-3.

      * 7. Schedule D-3, Key Page Database is used for Part B-8. mp 12-13-14-27-35. done
      These letters are taken directly from the database lines A-B-C.
      They will give you the Key page for Schedule A-3. First four characters only.
      Schedule A-1 was used to change russian letters to english letters.
      B98 C9 A52 B13. In this order. The full name is not used but only
      the first four letters. You will find this name in bold lettering
      on the Key page.
      Key page for Part B-8.

      * 8. Schedule G-3 Letters Dictionary, same as Part A-5 but finding mp 24 done.
      letters instead of numbers, to create Schedule A-3.
      To be used in Part B-4.
      This Part uses Key page Schedule D-3 (Part B-7).
      Follow the example in Part A-2. An another example, if the key page is 1000 and
      the stated number is +186, then you go to page 814. Then, column 1, line 1, and
      on line you look for the first letter you find, including the bold titles. In
      this case the first is chosen. Again, if the key page is 1000 and the stated number
      is +293, then you go to page, 707. Then, column 2, of this page, line l, of this
      column and the first letter you find, including bold titles. A line of text is now
      a line of letters. There are no words, simply one letter after another. There may
      be 20 to 30 letters per line.

      +186 1 1 1 > +293 2 1 1 > +161 2 1 4 > +171 1 1 3 > +263 2 4 1 > -69 2 1 3 >
      -82 1 1 3 > +154 3 1 1 > +339 1 1 1 > -145 3 1 1 > -141 1 1 3 > -59 1 2 2 >
      +83 1 4 2 > +156 2 4 1 > -42 3 2 2 > +162 1 4 1 > -52 1 4 3 > -44 3 1 1 >
      +215 2 3 2 > +175 2 1 3 > +299 2 1 1 > +150 1 1 3 > -81 3 1 2 > -154 2 6 2 >
      +193 1 1 3 > -129 1 7 3 > -91 2 1 3 > +211 3 1 3 > -42 2 1 2 > +213 2 1 1 >
      +241 1 1 3 > +310 1 9 2 > +183 1 3 2 >.
      In this order. This will give you 33 english letters, that will correspond to the 33 russian
      letters in numerical sequence 1 to 33. The procedure is the same as Part A-5. Use the
      example of the grid, or chart, same as Part A-6.

      * note… mp** means my page ** etc.
      bk means my book ** etc.

      PART C January 24, 2019.

      New riddle named Snow.

      1. Schedule D-4. Key Page. MP 15.
      We are using the prints on the flyer.
      1.On the frontside. What letters are under the right armpit of the lady driver?
      Use only the last two letters. Use Schedule A-3 when necessary.
      2.On the backside of the flyer there are three prints. Take the bottom
      print. What do you see? Use the first two letters of this english word.
      3.Add the two letters from no 1 to the two letters from no 2 and this will
      give you four letters for the Key page. Key page for Part C-2.

      2. Schedule G-4 Letters Dictionary, for Schedule A-4. Using Key page, Part C-1, Schedule D-4. mp19-20.
      Explanations, same as Part B-8.
      +98 2 1 2 > +27 2 4 3 > +132 2 1 4 > +48 2 1 3 > +104 2 2 1 > +43 1 1 3 >
      +99 1 2 6 > +109 3 2 2 > +69 2 1 3 > +25 2 2 2 > -33 2 1 1 > +114 2 4 1 >
      +71 3 3 3 > -34 1 1 2 > +125 1 2 1 > +72 2 2 3 > +122 2 2 4 > +39 2 3 3 >
      -23 2 1 3 > +17 2 3 5 > +119 3 2 3 > +132 1 2 2 > +57 2 1 5 > +54 1 2 1 >
      -40 1 2 3 > +81 1 3 7 > +98 1 1 3 > +61 2 1 1 > +95 2 3 5 > +62 3 1 4 >
      +52 3 1 2 > +139 3 3 6 > +86 1 2 4 >.

      3. Schedule B-3 Numbers. Dictionary, Explanations same as Part B-5. Key page used is mp 21-22
      Part C-1 Schedule D-4.
      Then > is space, * is wildcard.
      The first four numbers, ****,
      * * * * > -17 1 2 1-2 > +67 1 2 6-7 > +97 2 5 4-5 > +122 1 2 2-3 >
      +60 1 2 4 > +78 3 2 3-4 > +112 3 2 1-2 > +157 1 2 1-2 >.
      +45 3 1 2-3 > +118 3 5 2-3 > +120 2 2 2-3 > -42 1 7 3-4 >.

      4. Schedule C-3 Words.database We are using the database, A-B-C, Part B-3. We are also using mp24-25.
      Schedule A-4 (Part C-1-2). This will change russian to english letters. Then, we locate
      their placement in the database A-B-C. Example, given is placement A-1. We look this up
      in our database line A no 1, and find russian line E. On Schedule A we look up russian letter E
      and find the corresponding english letter is T. The first letter of our word.
      The next placement we look up is line B-10. We go to line B no 10 and find
      the russian letter O. Again, we look in Schedule A, and
      find the the russian letter O is the equivalent of the english letter A.
      (calculated by Schedule G). Then our word in english starts with ta…
      We do this until we have the full english word.
      A98 C63 C8 C78 B3 C51 B18 A23 A67 B25 C93 B64 A83 B29 A22 B50 A69.
      A46 A16 B97 C34 B2 A19 C43.

      Complete Part D-4, before Part D-2 and D-3.
      Complete Part D-5, before Part D-3.

      1. Riddle named Ice. bk-3 mp-2
      Added information about the flyer. On the backside, below print 1,
      Line 1, contains 58 letters, 9 spaces then a period.
      Line 2, contains 65 letters, 8 spaces then a hyphen
      Line 3, contains 69 letters, 9 spaces then a hyphen
      Line 4, contains 33 letters, 4 spaces then a period.
      Below print 2,
      Line 5, contains 64 letters, 8 spaces hyphen then 2 spaces.
      Line 6, contains 65 letters, 13 spaces then a hyphen
      Line 7, contains 66 letters, 12 spaces
      Line 8, contains 68 letters, 6 spaces
      Line 9, contains 20 letters, 2 spaces (between words).
      Spaces are not counted in the schedules. One line consists of all letters consecutive.

      2. Schedule D-5. Key Page. database bk-3 mp-19
      This schedule D-5 has used the same procedure as Schedule D-3, Part B-7.
      We are using the new database Schedule F-3, Part D-4.
      D6 D89 D32 D109 in this order.

      3. Schedule C-4 Words database. bk-3 mp-21 tested.
      We are using the database created in Part D-4.
      We are using Schedule A-5 created in Part D-5.
      We use the Schedule A-5 to convert english letters to russian letters.
      Then we go to the database Line D and look up the russian letter and state its
      position in this database. Then again transfer russian to english, and this
      will spell out words.
      D13 D52 D36 D113 D87 D20 D73 D8 D71 D100 D40 D132 D117 D50 D104 D137.

      4. Schedule F-3 Creation of a new database.
      We are using lines 5-6-7 below the second print on the backside
      of the flyer. Take the first 60 letters of each line only.
      Then interspace them together. Example, line 5 is abcdefg,
      line 6 is abcdefg, line 7 is abcdefg. After interspacing, you now
      have aaabbbcccdddeeefffggg. This new line is name Line D. This will
      total 180 letters. Number them 1 to 180. Then remove 40 letters from
      this 180 letters. The letters to be removed are;
      You now have 140 consecutive letters. Number these letters from one
      to 140. The new database is now created.

      5. Schedule A-5. Chart bk-3 mp-16.
      Use Chart 3 to complete the Schedule A-5.
      Column A, numbers 1 to 33. Column B the russian letter.
      Columns CDEFG is the english letter. It is found in the new dictionary,
      in Part 2, Section Dictionaries at the beginning of this document.
      See Part D-7.

      6. Schedule D-6 Key Page database. bk-3 mp-25.
      This is to be used with Schedule B-4 Part D-7.
      Procedure same as Part D-2, Schedule D-5.
      D33 D89 D35 D138

      7. Schedule B-4 numbers dictionary. bk-3 mp 23-24.
      This schedule B is a bit different. It used the same method as Chart E-3.
      C D E F G

      1 -168 +184 1 6 7-8
      2 +146 +161 3 4 2-3
      3 -148 +164 3 1 4-5
      4 -239 +117 1 1 3-4
      5 +87 +131 3 1 3-4
      6 -48 +98 2 5 4-5
      7 +68 +196 3 6 4-5
      8 -204 +152 3 2 4
      9 +179 +149 1 1 2
      10 +159 +162 2 2 2-3
      11 +46 +193 2 1 6-7
      12 +83 +148 1 1 2
      13 -223 +101 1 1 1-2

      1. Column C is the clue for the actual page as seen in Part A-5,
      Schedule B-1 numbers. We find the actual page associated with -168, then
      of the 4 digits we use only the last two numbers.
      2. Column D, is the find the actual page needed for this exercise. First we take the
      Key page from Part D-6 Key page, then subtract the last two numbers of the 4 numbers
      found in No 1 just above. We do this because I added them in. Then we take the
      number from column C and add it to this number. You now have the actual page.
      In Column C number 1, we go to -168 and find the actual page is (example) 1616.
      (This has already been calculated in that exercise.) The last two digits are 16.
      The Key page is said to be 1486 (example) from schedule D. We subtract 16 from 1486 which
      gives us 1470. From this number we add Column D which +184 and this gives us 1654.
      This is the actual page needed to find the number we are looking for. Remember, there
      is a different actual page for each entry in Column C from 1 to 13. Then, we go to
      column EFG for column, line and place in this order. Here, we find the number-s or
      letter-s we are looking for.

      Part E. Chart.
      1. CHART 1.
      My version of the russian alphabet.
      1. а 2. б 3. в
      4. гг 5. Дд 6. е
      7. ё not used 8. ж 9. з 10. и
      11. й 12. к 13. л 14. м
      15. н 16. о 17. п 18. р
      19. с 20. т 21. у 22. ф
      23. х 24. ц 25. ч 26. ш not used
      27. щ 28. ъ объём used as a letter. 29. ы
      30. ь иметь used as a letter. 31. Э not used 32. ю 33. я

      2. CHART 2
      Recreating, the Schedule A-1 Part A-6.
      As an example of the work done, with this schedule.
      This schedule is used to convert english to russian or
      russian to english.
      1. а
      G 2. б B 3. в
      4. гг A 5. Дд E 6. е
      7. ё E 8. ж H 9. з I 10. и
      11. й K 12. к L 13. л M 14. м
      15. н O 16. о P 17. п I 18. р
      19. с S 20. т C 21. у U 22. ф
      23. х 0 24. ц F 25. ч A 26. ш I
      27. щ J 28. ъ K 29. ы B 30. ь
      31. Э N 32. ю Z 33. я

      3. CHART 3.- Schedule G-5. mp 19-20 bk-2
      NEW. Schedule G-5.
      Chart A-3 For Schedule A-5 has this new dimension.
      We are using the actual pages of the Schedule G-4 Part C-2.
      In the actual pages we use only the last two numbers of the four
      numbers found.

      We are using Schedule G-4 Part C-2 for column C.

      A B C D E F G

      1. а
      +98 0 1 4 2
      2. б +27 -76 3 5 2
      3. в
      +132 -80 1 2 2
      4. гг
      +48 -78 1 6 5
      5. Дд +104 +147 1 3 3
      6. е
      +43 +106 1 5 4
      7. ё not used
      8. ж
      +99 +163 3 2 4
      9. з
      +109 +103 2 3 1
      10. и
      +69 +144 2 3 2
      11. й
      +25 +86 3 2 1
      12. к
      -33 +166 2 2 2
      13. л
      +114 +137 1 9 2
      14. м
      +71 +187 2 4 5
      15. н
      -34 -71 2 4 2
      16. о
      +125 -99 1 3 3
      17. п
      +72 -20 1 4 5
      18. р
      +122 +101 1 12 3
      19. с +39 -120 1 6 2
      20. т -23 -91 1 4 3
      21. у +17 -48 2 4 1
      22. ф
      +119 +66 2 6 4
      23. х +132 -37 1 6 5
      24. ц +57 +195 3 3 1
      25. ч +54 +1 1 5 2
      26. ш not used
      27. щ -40 +145 1 5 5
      28. ъ
      +81 +180 2 6 5
      29. ы
      +98 +107 3 3 5
      30. ь
      +61 +164 3 2 5
      31. Э +95 -66 2 2 2
      32. ю +62 +120 2 2 2
      33. я
      +52 +175 2 3 1

      note. ъ
      — ь both are used as russian letters.
      Column A and B is from Chart 1 Part E-1. bk-3 pg-20 tested.
      Column C are the statistics directly from Schedule G-4 Part C-2.
      Example. Number 33. is +52. You take the four numbers of the
      actual page, and use only the last two numbers from this.
      Column D is the current number used to find the actual page for the PCLP
      1. You take the Key page of Part D-2 Schedule D-5, and then use the
      number from column C. This number from column C, you need to find the actual
      page associated with this four digit number. Only the last two digits are
      used. These last two digits, are subtracted from Key Page Schedule D-5.
      The reason, is because I added it in, to distort, the numbers.
      2. Then you take this number calculated in section 1., above and add or
      subtract to it the number found in column D.
      3. The number calculated from 2. above is the actual page of the dictionary.
      Then we have column E. which is the column of the dictionary, the column F,
      line number and column G. the place where to find the letter needed.
      See, Part D-7 no 2.

      Part F. New Information.

      1. Schedule D-7. Key Page. database bk-3 mp-26
      This schedule D-7 uses the new database Schedule F-3, Part D-4.
      We are using the Schedule A-5 Chart A-3 to convert english to
      russian letters. Then we go to database Schedule F-3 Part D-4
      to spell out the first four letters of this Key Page. These
      next four line directives will give you the Key Page.
      D93 D9 D80 D140 in this order.

      3. Schedule G-6. bk-3 mp 27-28-29
      We are using the actual pages of the Schedule G-3 Part A-8.
      In the actual pages we use only the last two numbers of the four
      numbers found. Same procedure as Part E-3 Chart 3, Schedule G-5.
      But, instead of creating a Schedule A, we are writing words one
      letter at a time, using the dictionary as a database.

      We are using Schedule G-3 Part B-8 for column B.
      A B C D E F
      1 +186 -111 1 4 6
      2 +293 -136 3 2 2
      3 +161 -159 2 2 3
      4 +171 -35 2 2 2
      5 +263 +21 2 3 4
      6 -69 +136 2 2 4
      7 -82 +68 3 5 7
      8 +154 -108 2 5 3
      9 +339 +21 1 2 2
      10 +303 +79 3 3 2
      11 -141 +44 1 2 3
      12 -59 +72 2 3 2
      13 +83 -71 1 3 6
      14 +156 -55 2 2 5
      15 -42 +75 2 3 5
      16 +162 +134 2 3 2
      17 -52 +39 1 4 3
      18 -44 +120 1 3 5
      19 +215 +22 2 3 5
      20 +175 +129 1 3 2
      21 +299 -79 1 3 1
      22 +150 -78 2 4 3
      23 -81 -62 2 4 5
      24 -154 -95 1 2 5
      25 +193 -73 2 3 2
      26 -129 -49 2 2 4
      27 -91 +111 1 2 3
      28 +211 +5 3 2 3
      29 -42 +41 3 3 8
      30 +213 -36 2 2 2
      31 +241 -99 3 4 1
      32 +310 +86 3 3 4
      33 +183 +123 1 3 5
      34 +186 -41 2 4 5
      35 +293 -55 3 6 4
      36 +161 +116 1 2 4

      Next riddle due in two weeks or sooner.

      THANK YOU, from Lance Forester.

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